Total body row

The perfect workout for all ages and levels where you burn calories rowing to music

 What is total Body ROw?

Total Body Row (TBR) is a 60 minute full body workout for all fitness levels. Rowing uses 85% of the muscles in the body and challenges the core with every stroke. During class we will not only row, but also perform strength training and mobility work off of the rower using bands, bodyweight and dumbbells. TBR is low impact, but NOT low intensity- the goal is to get out of the comfort zone and have fun rowing to the music!


Why choose TBR & who is it for?

  • Total Body Row is unique because it is a full body, intense workout without the high impact found in many other fitness classes.

  • Because we row to the music, the class is fun with creative intervals, challenges and the minutes will fly by!

  • You will log your meters on the white board to reach benchmarks and it is hard to beat the accountability of a class setting

  • TBR is great for all fitness levels as the rower is an effort based machine and gentle on the joints.

  • It is YOUR 60 minutes, so use it to work on your stroke, increase strength and endurance, burn calories, cross-train or even as a recovery day from a tough week of high impact.



  • Rowing uses 85% of the muscles in the body, especially the glutes, hamstrings and core, but also improves posture, lung capacity and muscular endurance.

  • The exercises off of the rower will incorporate lower and upper body work along with core and mobility moves.

  • Rowing has been shown to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, improve stamina and core stability.

  • You will elevate your heart rate and burn fat without the risk of injury associated with high impact workouts.


Class Schedule

  • Monday 6am, 5:30pm

  • Wednesday 6am, 5:30pm

  • Friday 8:30am


Hear what others have to say about TBR:

Since injuring a knee during a trail run earlier in the year, I have been looking for a low impact way to improve my cardio fitness and get some mobility work in. I feel like the Total Body Rowing Class checks those boxes for me. The class is as challenging as you want to make it. Ellen pushes you a little when you need it but at the same time, it’s go at your own pace. I would definitely recommend this class for anyone looking for cardio, mobility and strength training.”


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